The Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON) was founded as a result of the interaction and commitment of some friends who love and appreciate classical music. These included Mr. Akintola Williams, Mr. Louis Mbanefo, Chief Ayo Rosiji, Chief Rasheed Gbadamosi and Mrs. Fracesca Emanuel. Along with Sir. Mervyn Brown, then British High Commissioner in Nigeria and Lady Brown, these distinguished Nigerians stimulated interest and awareness of Nigerians, especially in Lagos of the richness and elegance of classical music.
The Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON) invites entries for the ‘Search for Young Musician Competition 2016’:
Music Quest 2016 Competition
- The winners and selected finalists will feature in our Youth Concert during the 2016 Muson Festival in October.
- The competition will be in 3 phases, and they are as follows:
- Phase I – Will be on Monday June 1st, 2016
- Phase II – A live audition at the MUSON Centre on Thursday and Friday June 9 and 10, 2016
- Phase III – Will be the Youth Concert/Competition as part of the MUSON Festival, where the winners will be selected.
- Vocals – N150,000.
- Instrumental – N150,000.
How to Apply
- Contestants must be Nigerian citizens and should perform a classical or light classical instrumental solo or vocal solo of their choice on a CD (professional studio recording will be disqualified).
- Contestants must be between 14 and 21 years on the day of the phase 2 audition and may be asked for proof of age.
- MUSON will provide a piano. Contestants must provide their own instruments, music and accompanists as needed.
- Former winners and MUSON Artistes are not eligible.
- Contestants should be prepared to perform the same piece on the CD and an additional piece if requested at the phase 2 audition.
- The CD should Include in the contestant’s voice, their name, address, age, contact GSM number, name of the selected piece before rendering the piece. This same information should be clearly and neatly written (preferably typewritten) on a separate paper and included in the submission envelope. The CD, the paper and a recent passport size photograph (taken within the last 6 months) of the contestant must be submitted to:
The Director,
MUSON School of Music,
8/9, Marina,
Lagos State.
Note: The decision of the Judges will be final in all cases. MUSON will not entertain questions, disputes or have any duty to provide explanations regarding finalists or winners.
Friday, 20th May, 2016.
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