DDD Recruiting in Nigeria for Business Development Consultant

Digital Divide Data provides a competitive advantage in digital content to academia, corporations,
governments, NGOs, publishers and libraries worldwide. We partner with our clients to seamlessly support a range of content processing services, including eBook production, print-on-demand file creation, handwriting transcription, newspaper and magazine digitization, data entry, survey digitization, and records management–plus offer a unique opportunity to make a positive social impact.

As an internationally acclaimed social enterprise, we create jobs for talented youth who deliver high-quality content business process outsourcing services to clients globally. This business empowers our staff with the skills and experience they need to lift themselves out of poverty.

Founded in 2001, our proven model develops a strong workforce in countries with untapped talent. We identify and recruit motivated, disadvantaged youth who would not otherwise have access to good jobs or higher education. We train and employ them, while offering them scholarships to attend university. DDD alumni go on to high-skilled positions in which they earn more than four times the average regional wage. This enables them to break the cycle of poverty that traps their families—they are able to send family members to school and raise their household’s standard of living. With our scalable approach to growth, we now employ more than 1000 people across offices in Cambodia, Laos, and Kenya.

Job Title: Business Development Consultant

Job description

DDD believes that the vibrant and growing economies in Nigeria and Ghana may offer opportunities for the DDD’s expansion into the region. We are seeking to test this proposition by identifying sales prospects from local corporates, governments and NGOs.  If we understand the market to be large enough and active, DDD will invest in creating a delivery center in West Africa.

We are now seeking a consultant to help us understand and develop this market, with a core goal of landing at least $500,000 in contracts for work that could be delivered in the region (although before we establish an office work may be delivered from DDD’s other centers in East Africa or in Asia).

We envisage the consultancy consisting of 3 phases:

    2-week visit to Kenya to observe DDD operations, meet the sales team, attend sales calls and generalize familiarize him/herself with DDD
    3 month business development phase in West Africa visiting potential clients and understanding the local market. Based on the conclusions of this phase, the consultancy may end there or it may extend to:
    3 month full sales effort to close opportunities and actually demonstrate the market potential.

Based on the results of this consultancy, there would be an opportunity for the consultant to be considered as part of the founding management team for a DDD West Africa office.
Desired Skills and Experience

We are looking for someone extremely self-motivated and self-organized, with a proven track record of creating new markets, new business lines or significant sales success. Working without a support infrastructure or close supervision, you will nonetheless need to make progress against achieving the company goals to demonstrate whether there is an attractive market for DDD in West Africa.

Other skills include:

    At least 5 years of successful track record in business development and/or direct sales. We will not review CVs that do not have at least 5 years’ experience.
    with recent exposure within a recognized Process Outsourcing Services Company and/or similar experience from another source (e.g., Telecommunications, Health care Services, Financial Services, Energy, Transportation, Publishing/Media,  Travel Services.)
    Able to represent himself/herself and the company in an informed, articulate manner.
    Excellent communication skills in spoken and written English. French/Arabic would be an added advantage.
    Must reside (be based) in Nigeria or Ghana and be willing to travel.

How to Apply

Click here to apply


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