2016 Bell Labs Prize for Game Changing Ideas in ICT is a competition for innovators around the globe that rewards 10x game-changing ideas and proposals in the general field of information and communications technologies.
The Bell Labs Prize is a competition for innovators from participating countries around the globe that seeks to recognize proposals that ‘change the game’ in the field of information and communications technologies by a factor of 10, and provides selected innovators the unique opportunity to collaborate with Bell Labs researchers to help realize their vision.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applications are welcoming applications from innovators from around the globe.
- You must be a citizen of one of the countries listed in the registration form.
- You must be aged 21 or over at the time of registration on the website.
The ChallengeBell Labs are looking for game-changing and impactful ideas that have the potential to change the way we live, work and communicate with each other
Stage OneIn Stage One, you will be requested to formulate an idea (max 250 words) related to the field of information and communications technologies. You will have the option to attach 3 pages of text and/or images to illustrate your concept.
In the submission form we have outlined an indicative list of categories related to communications technologies. Please select the one that best matches your idea. The list is not restrictive and you are free to indicate a different category.
Categories: Web Applications, Cloud Services, Information Theory, Coding Theory, Computational Sciences, Cryptography, Distributed Systems, Data Privacy, Mathematics of Networks, Modulation Schemes, Optical Systems or Components, Communications Systems, Network Protocols, Security, Network Architecture, RF design, Sustainability, Wireless, Fixed Network technologies, Software-Defined Networks, Virtualization Technologies, Real-time Analytics, Search algorithms, Self-Optimizing Networks, Inference systems.
Stage TwoFinalists from Stage 1 will be assigned a Bell Labs researcher as a Partner (BLRP) to help them strengthen their idea and turn it into a robust proposal.
Your BLRP will help you develop each element of your idea – from your vision until initial thoughts on implementation through to description of context, risks and impact. The objective is to have a strong and complete proposal that selected finalists can present in person to the Bell Labs Judging Panel.
The 3 winners may have an opportunity to work with Bell Labs, giving them the opportunity to collaborate with researchers to develop the idea and enhance its commercial viability.
- First prize: $100K
- Second prize: $50K
- Third prize: $25K
If a team is declared the winner, the value of the award will be divided amongst the team members.
All prize amounts are gross amounts and subject to reduction due to tax and other applicable withholdings, which are the sole responsibility of the winners.
Click Here to Apply
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