Ethiopian Airlines Job Recruitment Nationwide September 2016 (

Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) is the flag carrier of Ethiopia. During the past sixty five plus years, Ethiopian has become one of the continent’s leading carriers, unrivalled in Africa for efficiency and operational success, turning profits for almost all the years of its existence.
Ethiopian Airlines is recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Command Captain for Boeing Q-400
Location: Nationwide

Must hold a current and valid JAA/FAA or ICAO ATPL/CPL
Age: Not more than 60 years old
A current Q-400 type rating
Minimum Flight time:

3500 hours jet time
2500 hours Pilot in command on jet aircraft
Command time in excess of 500 hours on Q-400

Job Title: Command Captain for Boeing 777/787
Location: Nationwide
Must hold a current and valid JAA/FAA or ICAO ATPL/CPL
Age: Not more than 60 years old
A current 777/787 type rating
Minimum Flight time:

3500 hours jet time
2500 hours Pilot in command on jet aircraft
Command time in excess of 500 hours on 777/787

Job Title: Command Captain for Boeing 737 NG
Location: Nationwide
Term: One year and subject to extension

Must hold a current and valid JAA/FAA or ICAO ATPL/CPL
A current B737NG type rating
Age: Not more than 60 years old
Applicants must be current and qualified i.e. within three months of their last proficiency check.
They must have two years valid passport, current and valid medical, no history of accidents or incidents and must have excellent standard of English language.
Minimum Flight time:

3500 hours jet time
2500 hours Pilot in command on jet aircraft
Command time in excess of 500 hours on B737NG

Job Title: Command Captain for Boeing 757/767
Location: Nationwide

Must hold a current and valid JAA/FAA or ICAO ATPL/CPL
Age: Not more than 60 years old
A current B757/767 type rating
Minimum Flight time:

3500 hours jet time
2500 hours Pilot in command on jet aircraft
Command time in excess of 500 hours on B757/767

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV’s along with scanned copy of their substantial documents including but not limited to valid Medical Certificate, valid ATPL/CPL, log book copy that can show total flight hours, license authentication letter from the respective country’s Civil Aviation Authority and also download and fill in thisApplication Form and send it to:

Deadline 1st January, 2017.


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