Internship Digital Marketing – Social Media Specialist At is Nigeria’s leading hotels booking agency, connecting thousands of travelers with the best hotels available at rates they prefer anytime and anywhere in the country. is made up of a team of resourceful, passionate, creative and hardworking young professionals who are committed to disrupting the online hotel booking space with fresh ideas, brilliant and innovative solutions and the creation of exceptionally valuable user experiences. This is a company that encourages the creation of ideas and the transformation of those ideas into actual products, plans, and objectives with resources required to execute on them. In short: every team member is a prized asset, and their work is always recognized in the team.

We are looking for a smart, creative social media ninja that can keep up with the trends, attract, engage, and grow our social following. Additionally, you’ll use your ninja stick to cross the gamut of all marketing activities and beat them into great copy, gifs, infographics and beautiful images.

Job Title: Digital Marketing – Social Media Specialist

Ideal Candidate:

Is able to adapt content for best conversion.
Is a news junkie capable of tactfully hijacking other media stories.
Is able to conceive and create beautiful images and other rich media content.
Is able to work with other marketing specialists to achieve desired goals cross-platform.
Has a calm desire to solve other people’s problems.
Is able to mine social analytics data to improve engagement.
Is a content curator with a natural intuition for creating viral content.

How to Apply

Click Here to Apply Online


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