The Obinna Orgazi Initiative (OOI) will invest 50 Million Naira in your ideas over 50 months. This aims to empower young entrepreneurs who have viable business ideas but not sufficient funds to bring them to life.
Obinna invites people from all across Nigeria to participate in this programme by submitting projects which have an initial startup capital of 2 million Naira or less. The business will be solely run by the successful applicants but will be jointly owned by the Initiative.
The Obinna Orgazi Initiative shall allow two weeks for the submission of your concise business plans (2 pages ideally). Upon the submission of their business plan, each candidate will receive a printable copy of the full terms of the programme and an application form which you must complete and return as scanned e-mail attachment.
After the deadline, the team will take another two weeks to carefully assess the submitted proposals.
Selection Process
The selection will be made based on the following:
- – adherence to instructions
- – viability of business
- – clarity of purpose
- – competitive advantage
- – financial cum social profitability
This Obinna Orgazi Initiative entrepreneurship programme is open to solo entrepreneurship and partnerships. Any business idea built around the below listed practices will not be considered for eligibility:
- – Importation/exportation
- – ponzi and pyramid scheme
- – franchise
- – any illegal business.
3-5 ideas will be selected from the pool of entries and brought to the Panel for thorough evaluation and selection. The selection process will be by voting. The voting session will last for one week. In the end, at least one of the applicants will be declared winner and contacted directly for verification, agreement and funding. This cycle is scheduled to run for a total period of 50 days, after which the process will be repeated to choose new winners. Unsuccessful applicants will be allowed to reapply.
How to Apply
To participate, kindly send your 2-page plan by e-mail to: on or before 28th February 2017.
Note: Although not a prerequisite for participation, applicants who are willing to make financial commitments towards their project/plan/business up to a maximum of 30% will be given better consideration. The Initiative will be willing to provide aid to participants in the development of a business plan.
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