Consultant Job Vacancy at Save the Children, 5th December, 2018

Save the Children is the leading independent organization for children in need, with programs in over 120 countries, including the United States. We aim to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives by improving their health, education and economic opportunities. In times of acute crisis, we mobilize rapid assistance to help children recover from the effects of war, conflict and natural disasters. Each year, we and our partners reach millions of children in communities around the world.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:


Job Title: 
Consultant – Assessment of Mobile Network Strength, Penetration/Coverage in Program Implementing Areas
Job Type: Temporary

Project Overview

  • Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) is a 6-year project funded by DFID, which started in September 2011. The overall objective of the project is to reduce mortality through decreasing the incidence and prevalence of under nutrition in Nigeria with focus on Jigawa, Katsina, Kebbi, Yobe and Zamfara States. The implementing partners of WINNN are UNICEF and an International Non-governmental organisation (INGO) consortium of Save the Children (SC) and Action against Hunger (AAH); led by Save the Children. The operational research and impact evaluation component (ORIE) is conducted by a consortium of research institutions led by Oxford Policy Management.
  • Alive & Thrive (A&T) is an initiative to save lives, prevent illness, and ensure healthy growth and development through the promotion and support of optimal maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, and complementary feeding practices. Since 2009, A&T has demonstrated that innovative approaches to improving maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN) practices can be delivered at impact and scale.

Objectives and Scope of Consultancy

  • Survey tools and method to be employed is at the discretion of the successful consultant but Face-to-Face method and digital forms are preferred but nit compulsory.
  • Survey respondents must not be less than 10 persons (an appropriate mix of male and female) per LGA. The final report should recommend an overall preferred mobile network provider per State (considering only the stated LGAs) from both a Voice and data user perspectives.
  • The final report of the consultancy period must be submitted to the following persons: The SCI Head of Logistics, the SCI IT Manager and the Deputy Programme Manager (WINNN) in both electronic format and printed format (3 copies and signed off by the consultant).
  • The final report must be submitted not later than 3 days after the end of the consultancy period.
  • The WINNN and A&T projects seek to leverage on mobile technology for the delivery of some aspects of their respective project objectives. To this end, there is a need to make an informed decision that is backed up by data, logic and reality on the appropriate mobile network provider to engage.
  • The successful consultant would have to conduct an assessment of mobile network strength, penetration / coverage across Kaduna, Lagos, Jigawa and Yobe States.
  • The assessment may be a desk review but credible sources must be cited in the final report. However, preference is to use survey questions that should be defined around mobile network strength, reliability and preference for both voice calls and data (internet surfing and video streaming) usage. All survey respondents must at a minimum, own a smartphone and possess ability to perform basic functions (make and receive calls, surf the internet etc.) on it.

Duration and Timeline:

  • This consultancy period is for only 7 days. It starts on 10th December, 2018 and ends 16th December, 2018. The successful consultant is free to use any schedule / timeline that best suits provided the consultancy is performed within scope and aforementioned period.

Accountability of SCI:

  • Ensure strict compliance to SCI Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Ensure strict compliance to SCI Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • Ensure compliance with all government regulation

Accountability by Vendors:

  • Ensure good quality goods are supplied within the stipulated time
  • Ensure strict compliance to SCI Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Ensure strict compliance to SCI Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • Ensure compliance with all government regulations

Collaboration/Ethical and Social Operating Standards:

  • Not engaged in the adulteration of products.
  • Not engaged in smuggling, or selling adulterated product.
  • Endeavouring to ensure that activities do not render civilians more vulnerable to attack or bring unintended advantage to any military actors or other combatants.
  • Provision of goods and services with the least negative impact on the environment.
  • Honest, encourages openness and transparency, demonstrates highest levels of integrity.
  • Working effectively with stakeholders to achieve common goals
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills by the service providers
  • Builds and maintains effective relationships, with the staff and beneficiaries
  • Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to
  • Avoidance of child labour, bondage, or forced labour, assurance of safety and reasonable working conditions, freedom of association, freedom from exploitation, abuse and discrimination
  • Protection of basic social rights of its employees and the SCI beneficiaries.

Legal Status, Experience and Skill Requirements

  • Previous experience working with local/international NGOs
  • The provider shall prove he has the technical capacity to deliver
  • The provider shall provide proof of legal ownership of the busniess
  • The provider shall be legally registered to operate in Nigeria or home country
  • The provider shall have physical presence/representation in Nigeria
  • The provider shall have a valid tax clearance certificate
  • The provider shall be some one with good reputation

Criteria for Selection:

  • References from two reputable clients served over the last two years
  • Financial Proposal/Price.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the Request for Proposal and Terms of Reference
  • Adherence to specifications and quality of technical proposal
  • Past experience providing services of similar nature and scope to local/INGOs

Payment Terms
100% after submission of Final report.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply


Application Deadline 20th December, 2018.


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