Click On Kaduna Virtual Training on Digital Skills for Remote Jobs

Application is now open for the Click-On Kaduna Virtual Training on Digital Skills for Remote jobs. If you are looking to build competencies in Content Marketing, Creative Design and Animation, and Entrepreneurship, you are invited to apply.

The Virtual Training on Remote Jobs is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Project supported by WACOM and Natview Technology to deliver relevant skills that can upscale the digital preparedness of youths in Kaduna for the post COVID-19 era where digital jobs will continuously define the new normal. As part of this support, young people and disadvantaged groups will be supported to achieve hands-on, practical training on emergent digital skills required for the future of work.

Virtual Training Courses:

  • Content Marketing for a digital Era
  • Creative design and Animation illustrations
  • Entrepreneurship

How to apply:
Interested applicants should:

Click here to apply


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