USAID ICHSSA Request for Application (RFA) from Community-based Organizations (CSOs)

The Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research is an indigenous, non-profit organization that promotes best practices in health care delivery, medical training and research using locally adapted models of health systems strengthening. CCCRN has established a formidable presence in Nigeria. With the headquarters in Federal Capital Territory and field offices in its operational states, CCCRN built a vast network of health and allied professional staff, partners and collaborators.

Applications are invited for:

Community-based Organizations (CSOs) – USAID Integrated Child Health and Social Service Award Lot 1 (ICHSSA 1)

Locations: Akwa Ibom and Cross River
Notification of Selection August 17, 2020
Funding amount for each award (estimated maximum): Subject to funding approval amount from USAID. Estimated funding limit per LOT indicated in section V
Type of Award: Fixed Amount Award (FAA)
Duration of award: One (1) year, renewable based on performance

Purpose for Funding
The USAID ICHSSA 1 project aims to ensure that Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) are cared for and protected by their households, communities, and local and state governments to achieve a reduction in their vulnerability to HIV. To this end, ICHSSA 1 is seeking community-based organizations (CSOs) who are based in Akwa Ibom and Cross River States with requisite experience to deliver quality services to OVC priority sub-population in 40 Local Government Areas (LGAs).

Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award, a commitment on the part of CCCRN or USAID nor does it commit to pay for costs incurred in the submission of an application. In addition, this RFA is not intended to replace any current or future funding agreements organizations with CCCRN, USAID or with any government department

Program Description
Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research (CCCRN) currently implements the USAID/Integrated Child Health and Social Service Award (ICHSSA 1) in the Akwa Ibom and Cross River states. The purpose of the project is to ensure that Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) are cared for, and protected by their households, communities, and local and state government to reduce their vulnerability to HIV. This is achieved through evidencebased strategies developed along four result areas and clear plans to integrate strong Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) practices, local partnership, collaboration and considerations for sustainability. Each result area comprises of a set of intermediate results, with associated outcomes, of improved household access to basic health and social services, improved community capacity to influence, prevent and resolve harmful community practices, improved state and local capacity to effectively coordinate, monitor and mobilize resources for OVC, and increased Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention, casefinding, retention and viral load suppression.

ICHSSA 1 project contributes to achieving the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS’ (UNAIDS) ambitious 95-95-95 global target: 95% of people with HIV diagnosed, 95% of them on antiretroviral therapy (ART) and 95% of them virally suppressed by 2030. ICHSSA 1 project provides comprehensive OVC care and services to 195,236 beneficiaries comprising 146,427 children and 48,809 caregivers in both Akwa Ibom (106,583 children and 35,528 caregivers) and Cross River (39,844 children and 13,281 caregivers) states. The project is delivered through a comprehensive case management system that will focus on the enrollment of children and households infected and affected by HIV who will be provided with comprehensive services based on needs so that they build resilience against vulnerabilities, and graduate from the program. The project targets progressively graduating about 20% of all the enrolled children following their attainment of the graduation benchmarks and transitioning before the end of September 2021.

Project interventions are evidence based, culturally sensitive, age appropriate, integrated and gender responsive. The ICHSSA 1 project was designed to build strong integration between social services and HIV services so that a continuum of care is provided for Children Living with HIV (CLHIV) and other OVC sub-populations. ICHSSA 1 project interventions targets specific needs of adolescents and young people, children of key populations and CLHIV. Communities are empowered to take leadership in advocating for child-and familyfriendly services and child rights, promoting cultural norms and practices which reduce gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV stigma and discrimination (S&D). Local and state governments are supported to have stronger systems for effective coordination, monitoring and mobilization of resources for the care of OVC.

ICHSSA 1 project proposes to provide sub-awards to 12 local community-based organization (CBOs), nine in Akwa-Ibom and three in Cross River. Sub-awards will be issued as Zonal Lots as described below. A CSO is eligible to only one award across both states. The sub-award mechanism would be Fixed Amount Award (FAA), as a form of results-based financing.

Technical Application Guidelnes:

  • Technical Application must NOT exceed 10 pages. The application should fully respond to the issues, intervention areas and results raised in the RFA. Detailed information should be presented only when required by specific RFA instructions. (This is included in the 10-page limit).
  • The technical application should be specific, complete and concise. The approach should demonstrate the Applicant’s understanding and technical expertise with respect to achieving the objectives of the ICHSSA 1 project.
  • The Technical Application must identify specific service areas for implementation as informed by issues described in section 2 (Project Background) of this RFA. Applicants should also propose clear strategies they will apply to project implementation.

Technical Proposals are expected to contain the following sections – It will be nice to specify the font type, size and line spacing:

  • Cover Page (1 page)
  • Organizational Background and History (1/2 page)
  • Past Performance (1/2 page)
  • Problem Statement (1 page)
  • Project Description (3 pages)
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (1 page)
  • Staffing Structure and Key Personnel (1 page)
  • Management Plan (1 page)
  • Sustainability Plan (1 page)

Cover Page
On the cover page, please include the following information:

  • Project Title
  • State Supported (if not included in the project title)
  • LGA (s) Selected (if not included in the project title)
  • Organization Name
  • Physical Location of Organization’s Main Office in Nigeria
  • Physical Location of Organization’s offices in the proposed state
  • Name, Title, Telephone Number, and Email address of the applicant’s primary contact regarding this proposal

Organizational Background and History (15% points)

  • Applicants must include with their technical application, an organizational capability statement highlighting their organizational experience in relevant areas (past performance) and their current capacity to implement the proposed award (management plan, and key personnel).
  • In this section, the applicant should provide its mission, vision, and values, the applicant’s history, and the applicant’s governance structure, management structure, and size.
  • Applicants must also present a brief summary of their current portfolio and major relevant projects implemented in the past three years (in an appendix).

Past Performance in State of Application (20% points)

  • In evaluating past performance, ICHSSA 1 will contact the references provided by the applicant and consult other sources of information, including but not limited to donors, local government agencies, project implementation partners (if any), and local or international partners.
  • ICHSSA 1 reserves the right to verify past performance and evaluate any past performance information gathered from sources listed above. ICHSSA 1 will also carry out an organizational pre-award assessment to inform award decision.

Assessment of applicants’ past performance will include but is not limited to:

  • Applicant’s responsiveness to requested information in this section (organizational capability)
  • Experience with OVC and HIV service delivery projects in the proposed LGAs and state
  • Demonstrated expertise in OVC and HIV service delivery to key populations
  • Experience in and/or evidence of presence in proposed LGAs
  • Experience in strengthening the technical capacity of communities, care givers or volunteers
  • Experience in achieving results through working in partnerships with civil society, states, LGA, donors, networks and communities.

Problem Statement (10% points)

  • For each LGA, applicants should provide a brief description of the key problems they will address and summarize how the proposed project will address or mitigate the identified problems for the benefit of children and families.
  • Applications should follow the Government of Nigeria National Priority Agenda, PEPFAR OVC Technical consideration (2015) and demonstrate knowledge and existing working relationships within the state and proposed LGAs.
  • Given the comprehensive nature of OVC programming, the successful application will demonstrate knowledge of other relevant programs being implemented by the state/LGA, other donors and other civil society organizations.
  • Applicants should describe any efforts to ensure state or LGA involvement in project design and implementation, as well as any partnerships with other institutions or organizations that will be leveraged in achieving project results.
  • Applicants should also describe how the proposed project will complement the activities of other projects and donors, Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) operating in the state.

Project Description (15% points)

  • This section of the proposal should describe the proposed project itself. Applicants should present the overall goal(s) of the project, target state, LGA(s), communities and numbers of beneficiaries the applicant proposes to reach.
  • Applicants should describe the strategies that will be used to achieve the stated goals of the project. Proposed strategies should comply with any PEPFAR/USAID regulations and programming guidelines. Reference can be made to section 3 of this RFA for guidance on suggested service areas and strategies that applications should align with.
  • Applicants should also provide the project’s specific objectives, and for each objective, describe the activities that the proposed project will support and/or implement, giving a brief narrative of the activities that will be supported in order to achieve the objective.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan (15% points)

  • The Applicants must describe their proposed strategy for Monitoring and Evaluation as part of their proposal.
  • The M&E strategy will include illustrative indicators that will be measured for reporting achievements, as well as the methods that will be employed to collect and analyze the data to generate project results for reporting.
  • Applicants are expected to propose data management systems and processes that will efficiently and effectively track beneficiary progress through all stages of implementation from identification, through assessment, case planning, service delivery, case monitoring, case plan achievement and graduation from direct service provision.
  • In addition, it is expected that the applicant will highlight strategy to integrate into the existing National OVC Management Information System (NOMIS) in the proposal.

Staffing Structure and Key Personnel (10% points)
Management Plan:

  • The applicants should propose management plans that specify clear lines of supervision, communication, accountability, decision-making and responsibility among staff (include a chart of your Organogram).
  • The geographical location of the proposed applicants’ offices and personnel should ensure efficiencies in operational and financial management. Applicants should address how they intend to manage partnerships in order to maximize input and utility.
  • The Management Plan should also describe how applicants will ensure coordination and communication with a wide range of stakeholders, including State and LGA, private sector partners, other USG partners, other donors and the targeted communities.

Personnel Plan:

  • The applicants should propose an overall staffing pattern that demonstrates the technicalexpertise and experience required to successfully implement the project in a cost-efficient manner.
  • The staffing plan should demonstrate a solid understanding of key technical and organizational requirements and an appropriate mix of skills, while avoiding excessive staffing. This section must include the following in an annex:
    • A detailed project organizational chart
    • A brief description of relevant experience of key personnel
    • A skills matrix for proposed project staff identifying skills and expertise of proposed staff appropriate to the activities in the project description Curricula Vitae (CVs) and profiles for Key Personnel (2 pages maximum per position) and other proposed key staff (2 pages maximum per position), where appropriate. Proposed personnel should have relevant experience, expertise and knowledge.

Key Personnel:

  • Applicants are encouraged to identify specific individuals for the following key personnel positions for the project. These include a Project Manager (100% LOE); Strategic Information Officer (100% LOE); Finance and Compliance Officer (100% LOE). Other additional positions include Project Officer Gender and Adolescent Officer, HES/Food Security (Nutrition) Officer and Community Systems Strengthening Officer is highly encouraged.
  • Applicants should submit alongside the application (as appendix) CVs of personnel proposed with the understanding that all required internal process have been strictly adhered. Please note, CCCRN/ICHSSA 1 is not liable for any expense incurred in the process of recruiting, retaining or engaging any staff of the organization prior tothe formal signing of agreement with successful applicants. Organizations are encouraged to state level of efforts of each staff and cost share plan.

Below are summary job descriptions for each of the Key Personnel positions reflecting the Level of Effort (LOE) expected under this sub-award:

Project Manager (PM) (100% LOE):

  • The PM has management authority and oversight for the entire project. The PM provides managerial and technical support throughout the implementation of the project, including management of personnel and volunteers.
  • H/she is responsible for the development and submission of the Quarterly Reports. The Project Manager will report to the ICHSSA 1 SPO.
  • The PM will plan, coordinate and oversee all services related to the vulnerable households. As such the Project Manager ensures that all vulnerable children and households are assessed, monitored and provided or referred for services as needed. PM manages partnerships with the LGA, social welfare officers and community structures.
  • S/he will provide support to the finance team and manage the grants process. PM supports the mobilization of community support for the project and stimulates community response towards achieving the desired project goal.
  • PM provides project planning, implementation and evaluation leadership while acting as the key link between the organization and external agencies offering different forms of services to children and households.
  • H/She provides direct supervision to Community Care workers (CCWs) working with children enrolled into the project. As a minimum, the individual must have a degree in a social science or public health or a related field, with at least 5 years of direct involvement in community development work, technical support, management, and administrative leadership in similar activities. Experience working with governments, LGAs and community structures is desirable.
  • The PM must also have related understanding of the OVC project in the context of its contribution to HIV Epidemic Control and the PEPFAR Goal.

Project Officer – (100% LOE):

  • The Project Officer will provide technical leadership in integrated OVC services under the ICHSSA 1 grant. The Project Officer will have some combination of technical expertise and experience in OVC service areas that include; health, nutrition, child protection, psychosocial support, education, food security, child rights and advocacy.
  • The Project Officer will guide the project technically in terms of: OVC service provision; capacity development and mentoring of community case workers and care givers; provision of technical support to LGA social welfare units on a range of OVC issues; provide support for documenting best practices and knowledge management in OVC.
  • The Project Officer reports to the CBO Project Manager and act in his/her capacity during the absent of the PM. He/she would hold a degree in nursing, health technology, medical science or public health with 2 to 3 years practical experience in HIV care and treatment and at least one-year experience on the field supporting HIV services in the hospitals or communities.
  • The PO must also have related understanding of the OVC project in the context of its contribution to HIV Epidemic Control and the PEPFAR Goal. He/she should have capacity in providing technical support to CCWs and working with government at state and LGA level.

Household Economic Strengthening and Food Security/Nutrition Officer (100%):

  • The HES Officer will serve as the focal point for the ICHSSA 1project technical team. The HES/FN Officer will be responsible for conducting household vulnerability assessments for economic support; lead all training related to HES, attend the HES Community of Practice meeting; lead the private sector linkages and other forms of engagement with relevant sector stakeholders.
  • S/he should attend the core trainings and ensure information is disseminated and used in the field. S/he will report to the CB PM and HES Technical Advisor on issues regarding household economic strengthening under the ICHSSA 1 grant.
  • He/she would hold a degree in social science, food & nutrition or any other relevant degree with 2 to 3 years practical experience on the job.

Strategic Information Officer (100% LOE):

  • The Strategic Information Officer coordinates household enrollment to establish a baseline for the project, design M&E work plan, collate, update and maintain all data obtained from field work into a database, keep record of all source documents for verification of project accomplishments, conduct data quality assurance, monitor monthly reports and conduct regular site visits and verification.
  • The SIO shall liaise provide support in mentoring, coaching and training of the LGA monitoring and evaluation focal person, training community volunteers on data management. As a minimum the individual must have a degree in Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, social science or public health or a related field, with at least 2 years of direct involvement in providing monitoring and evaluation support for related programs. SIO must have relevant skills in data analytics using MsExcel, or with other statistical software as added advantage.
  • The SIO must also have related understanding of the OVC project in the context of its contribution to HIV Epidemic Control and the PEPFAR Goal.

Finance and Compliance Officer (100% LOE):

  • The Finance and Compliance Officer (FCO) will establish and maintain financial and management procedures for ICHSSA 1 Project and the CBO. The FCO will ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements as relating to USAID/ICHSSA 1 Rules and Regulations; ensure that all finances are properly administered and monitored; advise on the proper allocation of resources; ensure that appropriate financial regulations and controls are in place and in use at all times.
  • S/he will prepare and review detailed budgets for approval by ICHSSA 1 project; make regular reports to ICHSSA 1 on income, expenditure and any variations from budgets; ensure that all financial reporting obligations are met in relation to submissions for funding, for grant aid, for contracts and any other initiatives.
  • The FCO must have at least 3 progressive years of experience as an accounts officer with a reputable NGO or donor agency. S/he must have thorough knowledge and understanding of professional accounting principles, theories, practices, and terminology. Additionally, s/he must be able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing and have a high proficiency in the use of computer, particularly in the use of Quickbook, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word.
  • S/he must have a degree in Accounting, public administration or a related field. Relevant professional qualification will be an added advantage. FCO must have added professional qualifications or trainings recognized in the accounting field.

Community Systems Strengthening Officer (100% LOE):

  • CSSO will practice, promote and facilitate child protection systems and ensure the implementation of standards in every course of action using community structure. The job holder will lead the development and implementation of a harmonized and integrated community strategy and financing plan to ensure that all community-based interventions achieve seamless community-facility linkages and funded by the local government. He/she will setup, supervise and monitor the work of CQIT, Community Development Association (CDAs) and related community structure as described by ICHSSA 1 to address issues of stigma, GBV and access to care.
  • The CSSO will ensure partnership and cooperation between their organization and local government for the purpose of identifying local needs, priorities and initiatives integrated into higher level community program and activities.
  • The CSSO will lead resource mobilization efforts from the community, local government, small scale enterprise and individuals. He/she must have a background in social sciences with more than one-year experience on the field supporting community system strengthening, genderbased violence reduction, stigma and governance.
  • S/he must be well aware of stigma and discrimination and how it impinges negatively on the persons living with HIV, key populations and other persons discriminated by in the community. The CSSO must also have related understanding of the OVC project in the context of its contribution to HIV Epidemic Control and the PEPFAR Goal.

Gender and Adolescent Officer (100% LOE):

  • The GAO will lead programs that improve caregiver’s ability to effectively communicate with their children about sexuality and sexual risk reduction; support CCWs to identify and address the difficult issues of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and GBV through culturally acceptable and age-appropriate content and highlighting the key role parents can play in protecting their children from CSA and GBV and responding to abuse.
  • The GAO will support CCWs to establish and strengthen referral mechanism and linkages between the communities and health facilities for ASRH and gender-based violence, including implementation of clinical pathway for treatment of sexual assault survivors. He/she will contribute to the documentation and dissemination of GBV and VAC issues in the local government.
  • GAO will primarily lead the setup, implementation and review of gender norms sessions across all project communities. He/she must have a background in social sciences with more than one-year experience on the field supporting community system strengthening, gender-based violence reduction, stigma and governance. The GAO must also have related understanding of the OVC project in the context of its contribution to HIV Epidemic Control and the PEPFAR Goal.

Cost Application Guidelines (15% points for cost application)
The Cost Application is to be submitted under separate cover from the technical application. Grants will be issued up to a limit of as specified in section IV for each LOT per year. Grant agreements will be reviewed annually subject to project performance and availability of funds.

The following sections describe the documentation that applicants must submit to CCCRN prior to award. While there is no page limit for this portion, applicants are encouraged to be as concise as possible, but still provide the necessary detail to address the following:

  • A budget with an accompanying budget narrative which provides in detail the totalcosts for implementation of the project being proposed by the Applicant. The budget should be structured according to Section I – PROJECT DESCRIPTION and have a breakdown by objective, project elements and sub-activity. The budget narrative must provide detailed budget notes and supporting justification of all proposed budget line items. It must clearly identify the basis of all costs, such as market surveys, price quotations, current salaries, historical experience, etc.
  • The cost application must be completed separately from the Applicant’s technical application and submitted using CCCRN standard budget template. You can download the standard budget template using this link: CCCRN will evaluate the cost application separately for cost effectiveness and realism.
  • The applicant must provide an electronic copy of a budget (in Microsoft Excel), with calculations shown in the spreadsheet, and an electronic version of the budget narrative that discusses the costs for each budget line item (preferably in Microsoft Word). Calculations and formula shall be accessible and not hidden or protected by password.
  • The cost application must be for the period of one year. If the applicant proposes to charge any training costs -it must clearly identify them.
  • The applicant’s proposed budget should provide estimates of the project based upon the total estimated costs for the preferred LOT. Applicants should minimize their administrative and support costs for managing the project to maximize the funds available for project activities in the ratio of 35% (administrative and support costs: such as laptops, printer, generator) to 65% (project activities)
  • The cost application should describe the applicant’s procedures for financial reporting and the management information procedure(s) to ensure accountability for the use of U.S. Government funds. Applicants must describe fully project budgeting, financial and related project reporting procedures.
  • Applicants must provide detailed budget and supporting notes and justifications or narrative for all costs, and explain how they derived costs, consistent with the following guidance on required information:
    • The breakdown of all costs associated with the project.
    • The breakdown of any financial and in-kind contributions.
    • Potential contributions of private and commercial donors to the grant.
    • The cost drivers of any proposed “training” should be clearly described in thebudget narrative, Applicants must provide the following cost element details:
      • Salary and Wages – Applicants must propose direct salaries and wages in accordance with their personnel policies.
      • Local transportation – The applicant should indicate the number oftrips, domestic and estimated as necessary to carry out the proposed scope of work, and their estimated costs. Applicants must specify the origin and destination for each proposed trip, the duration of travel, and number of individuals who would be traveling. Applicants should also base per-diem calculations on their current policies and procedures. Applicants should budget for inter-LGA travel of within a day with no layout cost of accommodation and perdiem. We will also recommend applicants to budget for local travels from LGA of operation to State capital (where applicable) to attend ICHSSA 1 meetings, trainings and engagement, frequency in a duration of 3 days monthly.
      • Equipment and Supplies – Estimated equipment (i.e. model number, cost per unit quantity) and office supplies and other related supply items.
      • Other Direct Costs – Applicants should detail any other direct costs, including the costs of communications, equipment maintenance, office rent, etc.
      • Cost Sharing (if proposed) – Provide narrative information, in addition to the percentage and total naira amount of the proposed cost-share contribution.
      • Applicants with no previous experience with USAID projects will be requested to submit evidence of financial capability which shall consist of financial audits for the past three years; personnel, travel, purchasing, and property management policies; and past performance references (at least

Minimum Eligibility
Eligible Recipients

  • Applicants must be a registered local/indigenous non-governmental entity formally constituted and registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for a period of 5 years with evidence of registration either as Incorporated Trusteeship or Limited by Guarantee. An applicant must submit a scanned copy of their CAC registration, certified organizational constitution along with their full proposal as a separate attachment.
  • Applicants must have an organization mission that focuses on similar values and thematic area or target group as orphans and vulnerable children.
  • Applicant must be a non-for profit making organization
  • Applicants with an audited account will have an added advantage
  • Have a proven track record of successful implementation of OVC-programs or intervention in Akwa Ibom or Cross River states only.
  • Have been active for at least 3 years operating within HIV/OVC sector in Akwa Ibom and Cross River states
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project, not acting as an intermediary/consultant.
  • Be willing to comply with all technical and financial requirements for participation in the program, including reporting and documentation of project activities, communication strategy and capacity development opportunities.
  • Be willing to participate in assessments, trainings, workshops, or other activities considered important for achieving project goals and strengthening organizational capacity
  • Have previously received funding from USAID or PEPFAR funded projects/partners; or similar reputable donors
  • Applicants must have the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
  • Must have registered with State Ministry of Women Affairs/Social Welfare
  • Applicant must have up-to-date registration with State Ministry of Economic
  • Planning, Ministry of Women Affairs/Social Welfare for at least two (2) consecutive years.
  • Must have at least two consecutive years experience in programming for Orphans Vulnerable Children (OVC) programming in the state.
  • Must have at least two references from previous USAID/Orphans Vulnerable Childrenpartners or related funders. CCCRN will not issue reference letter to current awardees.
  • Must have equipment on ground to implement the project (computers, projectors, generators etc)
  • Must be willing to give consent to CCCRN to contact their references directly
  • Must bring a letter of reference from operating bank with active account not later than April 2020.
  • Willing to abide with the standard and principle of performance-based financing model, operated as Fixed Amount Award (FAA)

Deadline: 17th July, 2020 (not later than 16: 00 hrs)

Expression of Interest Deadline
20th June, 2020 (visit section VII-D for details)

Bidder’s Conference Date
23rd June, 2020 (Online – check details in section VII-D)

Application and Submission Information
Applications must be submitted both electronically and in hard copy. Electronic copies are requested in Microsoft Office compatible formats (Word and Excel). Incomplete applications and applications that do not meet the provided specifications will NOT be considered.

Hard copy applications can be submitted by Courier Service or Hand delivery in an envelope properly labelled with the name of the organization, State and Lot on both (a) Technical Application and (b) Cost Application.

The technical application should not be more than 10 pages, excluding the cover page and appendices. Applications must be type written in a 12-font size, Times New Roman for the text of the proposal using size A4 paper with one-inch margins. For the cost application, please refer to the Cost Application Instructions in section VI of the RFA for budgeting guidance.

The technical application must consist of 3 hard copies and 1 electronic copy. Applications must be submitted with the name and address of the applicant, labelled as described above and addressed to:

Akwa Ibom – Uyo Office:
Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research/ICHSSA1 Project
Plot 58, Unit G, Ewet Housing Estate,
Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

Cross River – Calabar Office:
Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research/ICHSSA1 Project
No. 20 Ebri Eteng Close, State Housing
Calabar – Cross River State.

Please note, applications should not be submitted at both offices. Preference will be
at any of the CCCRN office within the proximity of the applicant.
By Email to:, Copying

Applicants should ensure that the email subject clearly indicate the [Name of CBO],
[State]and [Lot Number]

Important Information

  • Kindly note that hard copies application should be submitted alongside the e-copy version by email. CCCRN will not review any application that is either submitted as hard copies or email. Also, scanned applications or applications submitted via fax or email will NOT be accepted.
  • Applicants should retain a copy of their applications and accompanying enclosures for their records.
  • RFA Q&A: Prospective applicants who have questions concerning the contents of this RFA should submit them in writing by mail to: within 5 days before June 20, 2020
  • No late applications will be accepted. Applicants should prepare and obtain a signed acknowledgement upon delivery of their application at any of the CCCRN office as indicated above.
  • Organizations that are unable to retrieve the budget template from the dropbox can request for an electronic copy (as attachment via email) by contacting CCCRN/ICHSSA 1 Project at: cc:

Application Review Process

  • Proposals submitted before the deadline will be reviewed for compliance with all stated
  • requirements in this RFA and for completeness of the submission.
  • Applicants that do not pass this stage will be notified. Applications that pass the Administrative Compliance Review will be eligible for Pre-Award Assessment.
  • After the pre-award assessment, successful applicants will be notified.
  • Please note that issuance of this Request for Applications does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the ICHSSA 1 Project or CCCRN nor does not commit to pay for costs incurred in the submission of an application.

Furthermore,CCCRN reserves the right to reject any and all applications, or to make an award without further discussion or negotiations if it is considered to be in the best interests of the ICHSSA project, CCCRN and donor.

Bidders Conference Requirements

  • All interested applicants should attend the Bidder’s conference to avail themselves with further details and expectations for this RFA.
  • Interested organizations should complete a short online EOI form via this link:
  • Invitation to the bidder’s conference will be send only to organizations who have shown interest and registered for the bidder’s conference.
  • The bidder’s conference is scheduled for “June 23, 2020” and may be in batches depending on the volume of applications. Invitations will be sent to organizations who completed the EOI form.


  • Applicants should attach supporting documents that include CVs of key staff, certificate of incorporation, most recent audit report, letters of support, evidence of DUNS number registration, registration with State Ministry of Women Affairs and State Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.
  • Other essential documents are the budget, budget narratives, detailed workplan with timelines, M&E Plan and 2 reference letters from previous funders within the last 1-2 years.
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