Recruitment at the Federal University, Wukari

The Federal University Wukari is o of the new Universities established by the Federal Government of Nigeria as part of its commitment to expanding access to quality higher education, skills development and generation of new knowledge. The University is currently noted for its commitment to transforming into a world-class institution through the development of first rate infrastructure, human resources, quality teaching, learning, research and community service. Technology is at the centre of its plans.

The Governing Council of the University is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to apply to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: University Librarian

Location: Taraba

The Position

  • The University Librarian is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day – day administration of the University Library.
  • He is responsible for the coordination of the Library and Information Services in the University, its Colleges, Faculties, Schools, Departments, Institutes and other teaching or research units.
  • The University Librarian is expected to demonstrate awareness of the central nature of Library & Information Services in the teaching, learning and research process and have the ability to instil in members of the University community, the principles of Information and Digital Literacy and commitment to life-long learning.
  • The candidate must therefore be in position to provide leadership in the application of Information and Communications Technology in the delivery of quality higher education, research and community service.
  • The candidate must also be able to improve on current developments in the University through national and international linkages. The candidate must be in good health and not older than sixty years of age on assumption of duty

Qualifications and Experience

  • Candidates for the position of the University Librarian must possess a good Honours Degree with a minimum of Second Class lower as well as Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Library or Information Science from a recognized University.
  • The candidate must be a Principal Librarian with at least ten (10) years’ working experience in a Federal University Library.
  • The candidate must possess good managerial skills and competencies including a clear understanding of the nature and dynamics of the intricacies in deploying information technologies as tools for the management of information collections in line with global best practices in contemporary University Libraries.
  • Candidate is expected to exhibit strong team leadership and mentorship skills and able to inspire and motivate colleagues to support the vision for the development of the University Library.
  • The candidate must be focused, innovative, commendable in both character and quality of service.
  • The candidate must possess experience of automation of Library Services. In addition to the academic and professional qualifications, the candidate must possess evidence of membership and registration with the Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN).
  • A strong proof of continuing research with appreciable evidence of scholarly publications both in quality and quantum in reputable international and national journals is required.
  • The candidate must also exhibit a considerable degree of competence, responsiveness, demonstrable integrity and transparency on matters of financial resource management with an outstanding experience at management level.

Vision Statement:

  • Candidates should provide a succinct vision statement of not more than 500 words relating to the University in the next five years with particular reference to the management of Library & Information Services.

Salary and Conditions of Service

  • The remuneration and other conditions of service are as applicable to the post of a University Librarian of Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined from time to time by the Federal Government of Nigeria and the University’s Governing Council as appropriate.


  • The successful candidate for the position of University Librarian shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years from the effective date of appointment.

Job Title: Vice-Chancellor

Location: Taraba

Job Descriptions

  • Applications are invited from suitable qualified candidates for the post of Vice-Chancellor of Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, which will be vacant in February, 2021. Pursuant to the provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provision) Act No. 11 of 1993 as amended by the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act 2003, the Governing Council of the University wishes to start the process of filling the vacancy and interested candidates are to note the following information for guidance.

The Position

  • The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer and the academic head of the University.
  • S / he is the ex-officio member of the Governing Council, Chairman of Senate and Congregation.
  • S / he is expected to promote a very high standard of academic excellence in research and innovation, quality teaching and learning, regulation of students’ admission processes, overseeing the welfare and discipline of staff and students.
  • S / he is responsible to council for the day- to day management of the human, financial and material resources of Federal University Wukari.

Qualifications Required

  • The candidate for the position of Vice-Chancellor must possess a good University education and is expected to be a very distinguished scholar with outstanding academic and administrative records.
  • The person must be a proven manager of human and material resources.

Specifically, the candidates should:

  • Be a highly distinguished academic with a Ph.D and who is well rooted in the finest academic tradition.
  • Be on the rank of Professor for at least 10 years and must have spent a minimum of 20 years of unbroken service in a Public University (preferably a Federal University).
  • Demonstrate continuous scholarship after promotion to the rank of Professor in terms of continuous research and publication in highly reputable World class journals.
  • Have a wide academic and administrative experience in a reputable public university, id be cable of giving dynamic academic and administrative leadership.
  • Be able to attract research grants and funding from local and international donors for the development and re-positioning the University on the global landscape
  • Must possess personal integrity in the management of funds and must be able to deploy financial resources for actualizing the master plan, academic brief and strategic growth of the University.
  • Must have team building skills and ability to build bridges between the management and staff, students and other critical stakeholders in a University system.
  • Must be capable of motivating staff and students, attracting very high quality staff and retaining them in Federal University Wukari
  • Must have proven ability in establishing and maintaining partnerships with relevant local, National and International Agencies.
  • Must be an Individual who, judging from tract records is likely to command the respect as well as loyalty of staff, students and the University community.
  • Must demonstrate entrepreneurial drive and ability of being creative and innovative in the development of the University
  • Be able to engender both national and international respect, particularly in the academic world
  • Possess the ability to create the much needed harmony between staff and students on the one hand and between members of the University Community and the wider community on the other.
  • Be a person with a clear vision and capacity to pursue the continuous development of the University even under resource constraints.
  • Be someone who appreciate and act of merit and who will resist undue pressure.
  • Be of sound mental and physical health.
  • Have sound and unassailable integrity
  • Be prepared to demonstrate commitment to the University’s vision, mission and core values as well as the pursuit of its strategic objectives.
  • Should not be above 65 years of age on assumption of duty as Vice-Chancellor
  • Possess appreciable computing skills as well as the ability to embrace information and communications technology
  • Candidates must possess NYSC discharge certificate, exemption certificate or certificate of exclusion where applicable;
  • Candidates must attach evidence of possession of national Identification number (in line with the requirements of the National Identification Number Regulations, 2017);
  • Candidates should attach a statement of vision and hope for the University of not more than a page to their applications.
  • Be of excellent physical and mental health (xxv) Must not be more than 65yrs of age at the time of assumption of duty.

Tenure and Conditions of Service

  • The prospective Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single, non-renewable term of five (5) years.
  • The remuneration and conditions of service for the post shall be as applicable in Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined from time to time by the Federal Government and the Governing Council.

Deadline: 12th October. 2020.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their Application with thirty (30) copies of their detailed Curriculum Vitae (should highlight the following in the order indicated below) along with the vision statement for the position:

  • Full Name (surname first in capital letters and underlined)
  • Place and Date of Birth
  • Age
  • Rationality
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Number and Ages of Children
  • Postal address
  • Permanent Home Address
  • Nationality
  • State of origin and LGA
  • E-mail and Contact Telephone Number(s)
  • Schools attended with dates
  • Qualifications obtained with dates ie Degree (s) (Including Dates / Class and Institutions) and / or any other qualifications and distinctions (Photocopies of certificates to be attached)
  • Previous Employments (s) Position (s) Date (s)
  • Membership of Professional bodies
  • Statement of general and specific working experience with
  • Present employment status, salary (Detail with work schedule)
  • Conferences attended with dates
  • Workshops attended with dates
  • Courses / Leadership trainings attended with dates
  • List of publications if any.
  • Other activities outside current employment
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Countries visited
  • Proposed date of availability for duties, if appointed.
  • Names and addresses of three referees


  • Each candidate should include the names and addresses of three referees. Applicants should request each of the referees to forward directly, to the Registrar & Secretary to Governing Council, a confidential report written on a letter-headed paper on the applicant’s character, academic and managerial abilities in a properly sealed envelope and marked, “Post of University Librarian; Referee’s report, with the name of the candidate at the top left hand corner of the envelope.

Applications are to be submitted under confidential cover with the envelope marked “Post of University Librarian” and addressed to:
The Registrar & Secretary to Governing Council,
Federal University Wukari,
200, Katsina-Ala Road,
Wukari – Taraba State,


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