1. Go to https://taxpromax.firs.gov.ng/
2. Click on Login
You Login with the registration email address of the company where you are not sure of the password, select password reset, and follow the reset password link sent to your email provided in the reset password
After Login
3. Select taxes due – you will see the VAT due which has not been filed online. You will need to clear the backlog (if Any) before you can continue with the current returns
4. Select Process
Then, the below will be on the screen
Find Below
Goods and Services Exempt
Zero Rated Goods and Services
Sales Adjustment
Vat Return Form
You will select Good and Services Exempt
If the Company is into product or services exempted
Under Product Category – Select the product involved
Fill the value of the sales for the month in the Amount Box
Select add records and proceed
But if there are no exempted goods just input 0 in the amount box and proceed
NoN-Export Oil
Same ad applicable to goods exempt
Sales Adjustment
Same ad applicable to goods exempt
5. VAT Return Form
Select currency
Input line 10 for sales/contract
Line 70 for input VAT claim
Line 190 for VAT deducted at source
Accept the declaration by clicking the box and also to confirm the VAT Due
Click Pay to Generate Remita Number and pay at the bank or Pay from your debit card
Please, if you are making a payment, you are expected to Generate a remita before going to the bank, where however you have paid to the bank, it means you filled manually, please come to the tax office, do not file that payment online again.
To print evidence of filled returns, on the home page, select the Concluded Assessment Icon, select View and print
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