Check Your N-Power Batch C Deployment Status On NASIMS Portal

The deployment page on the NASIMS portal is where beneficiaries of the N-Power batch C can check to know if they have been deployed to a Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). So for those of you asking questions about the deployment status, this post will guide you on how to check your deployment status or posting for Batch ‘C’ 2021 Beneficiaries.

Follow the steps below to check your N-Power deployment:

  • Visit,
  • Login to your dashboard with your registered Password and Email Address.
  • Click on the ‘Deployment’ button at the top side of your NASIMS profile.
  • Once clicked on the deployment button, your N-power deployment status will display.

If deployed, you will get a response below:

Congratulations!!! Dear [Applicant’s Name],

you have been deployed as N-power Batch C Beneficiary.

But if you have not been deployed, you will see the following statement:

“Dear [Applicant’s Name], you have not been deployed yet.

Please check back for the deployment information after deployment date has been set.”

N-Power deployment date for Batch C:
The deployment date will be announced when the assessment test portal is closed and the final shortlisting is done.


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