French Government Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme 2022 for Masters & PhD Study in France (Funded)

The Eiffel scholarship program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract the best foreign students to graduate courses at master’s and doctoral level. It helps to train future foreign decision-makers, from the private and public sectors, in priority fields of study, and to stimulate applications from students from emerging countries aged 25 years or less for the master’s level and from emerging and industrialized countries. aged 30 at most for doctoral level.

The Eiffel Program was established by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help French institutions of higher education in their efforts to attract top foreign students to their master’s and doctoral programs.

Its purposes are (i) to train future foreign decision-makers in the private and public spheres in priority areas of study and (ii) to attract applicants from developing countries to French master’s programs level and applicants from developing and industrialized countries to French doctoral programs.

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program (Eiffel Program) has two components:


  • The master’s component offers 12 to 36 months of funding to enable scholarship holders to earn a master’s-level degree.
  • The doctoral component supports up to 12 months of doctoral research in France as part of a joint doctoral program.

Fields of study for Master and Doctorial
The two spheres of Eiffel scholarships are available in the following seven fields:

  • Science and techniques
  • Biology and health
  • Ecological transition
  • Mathematics and digital
  • Science and engineering
  • • Human and social sciences
  • History, French language and civilization
  • Law and political sciences
  • Economics and management

Levels of study
French institutions nominating candidates for the Eiffel Program commit to admit them to:

  • a master’s degree program
  • an engineering program
  • a joint doctoral program (joint supervision of dissertation and/or dual degree), in partnership with a partner institution abroad


  • Opening of the call for applications: week of September 27, 2021
  • Date limit deposit by establishments application files from Campus France  : January 7, 2022
  • Announcement of results: week of April 4, 2022

Selection Criteria


  • The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs appoints experts for the selection of scholarship holders for the program. Each expert is a research professor, and holder of an authorization to supervise research for the doctoral component, and has proven international experience. He is appointed for a non-renewable period of 4 years. Consult the jury list for the 2021 session .

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the French Government Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme 2022


Application Deadline: January 7, 2022


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