Vice Chancellor at Taraba State University (TSU)

Taraba State University is set up to satisfy society’s demand for discovery and dissemination of knowledge, upholding truth and social justice, rendering selfless service to the community, promoting and preserving academic freedom and fundamental values of the people and humanity in general. The University shall actively engage in teaching, research, and community service, taking into consideration the needs and aspirations of the people of Taraba State in particular and the country as a whole.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the position below:

Job Title: Vice-Chancellor

Location: Taraba

Job Description

  • The post of the Vice Chancellor of Taraba State University (TSU) will become vacant on Tuesday, 1st March 2022.
  • In accordance with the provisions of the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Act, 1993, as amended and most particularly Section 4 by Section of Universities Miscellaneous Provisions Amendment Act 2003 (gazette as Act No. 1 of 2007), the Council of the University wishes to commence the process for the selection and appointment of a new Vice Chancellor for the University and hereby invites from interested qualified and distinguished academics who must as a matter of necessity note the following information.

The Position and Duties

  • The Vice Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer and Academic Head of the University, ex-officio member of the Governing Council, and Chairman of the University Senate.
  • The Vice Chancellor is responsible to the Governing Council for the day to day running of the affairs of the University. Such person must provide strategic direction to the Management, staff and students and provide advice on academic, administrative and fiscal policies to the Senate and the Governing Council of the University.
  • In addition, the Vice-Chancellor is required to attract funding, initiate high priority academic work, enhance public awareness, vigorously and tirelessly pursue advocacy and promote the good image of the University.
  • The Vice Chancellor is expected to be competent in recent developments in modern technologies in education and be very versatile in leadership in teaching, research and community services.

The Candidate

  • The candidate for the post of Vice Chancellor of Taraba State University must possess a good earned PhD from a recognized University.
  • In addition, the candidate must:
  • Possess strong and scholarly background-at a minimum, must have been an academic Professor of good standing of at least 10 years at a reputable University
  • Demonstrates continues scholarship after his promotion to the rank of Professor in terms of continued production of books, papers, students supervised (especially PhD exchanges and collaborations both within and outside Nigeria
  • Possess a clear vision for the development of the University and the realization of its mission
  • Demonstrate the ability to raise funds for the University
  • Have a thorough working knowledge of Nigeria’s educational system and familiarity with the administration of an institution accountable to multiple bodies and authorities,
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the need to interface with the end-users/employers of Tsu graduates (especially industry and other educational institutions) in order to guide the University’s social responsiveness, social accountability, and thus promote the acceptance of TSU graduates within the nation and beyond,
  • Demonstrate ability and interpersonal skills to lead and motivate a team of Principal Officers, Senior Management and Staff at all levels to realize the critical objectives of the University
  • Will Be inclusive and have the ability to effectively manage multicultural and multi-religious public Universities such as Tsu;
  • Have an international reputation as a scholar in Universities both in Nigeria and outside in such areas as sabbaticals, International supervision and examination of PhD, conference presentations, etc;
  • Be morally sound and of unimpeachable probity and Integrity and without any pecuniary embarrassment
  • Be a person who is physically and mentally fit in a state of good health, with a verifiable certificate to that effect;
  • Be not more than 65 years old as at the date of employment and taking over the position;
  • Be a person of high academic standing and reputation in his/her respective discipline, through demonstrated membership of academic, professional bodies and organizations, both within and outside the country:
  • Have extensive and deep experience in all facets of University administration with an emphasis on dual mode of education;
  • Must be familiar with Management Information System (MIS) and Learning Management System (LMS) and be ready to demonstrate knowledge and familiarity with these areas beyond definitions
  • Be a person who commands respect nationally and internationally especially in academic circle demonstrated through reputable international publications, Online and from any location
  • Possess the ability to translate strategy into action and effectively plan, mobile and manage resources to deliver expected results, and
  • Ability to develop cordial relationships with Council and other organs of the University.

Conditions of Service

  • The remuneration and other Conditions of Service are as applicable to the post of the Vice Chancellor in all Public Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined from time to time by the Taraba State Government / Governing Council of the University.

Deadline: 19th November, 2021.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their Applications, in sealed envelopes marked “Vice Chancellor (TSU)” at the top left-hand corner, to:
The Registrar and Secretary to Council,
Taraba State University,
PMB 1167 Jalingo,
Taraba State.

Application Information

  • Each application, addressing the listed criteria of this advertisement including a vision statement for the University’s future and attached to a detailed Curriculum Vitae duly signed and dated be made in thirty (30) copies;
  • Each application must include the names and addresses of at least three referees who must be requested to forward direct to the Registrar, a Confidential Report in a properly sealed envelope marked Referee Report with the name of the candidate at the top left-hand comer of the envelope;
  • The Referee Reports should reach the Registrar at least one working week to the expiration of the advertisement;
  • It is the responsibility of the candidate and their Referees to ensure that they use a secure system to deliver the report. The University will not accept responsibility for lost, non-delivered or non-received Referee Reports sent;
  • In case of a candidate identified and nominated by the Search Team, each application must be accompanied by a letter of consent duly signed by the candidate.

Note: The Governing Council reserves the right to extend the dosing date deemed necessary and / or re-advertise the position should this particular process not yield the candidate of choice.


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