Bank of Industry Idea Lab Program 2022

We are happy to announce the calls for applications for our Idea lab program backed by the Bank of Industry. The Idea Lab program which is for a duration of 9-weeks is designed to give insights on how start-ups work, and for participants to learn what determines start-up success and to get the chance to start working on world-changing ideas.

The curriculum will have elements around Idea formation by actively engaging in research, receiving expert advice & insight from subject matter experts, and identifying the resources required to turn the concept into a viable product.

Benefits/ Program Recourses

During the program, selected teams/individuals/entrepreneurs will have access to the coworking space of all the implementing partners during the program, Hand on Business advisory support, AWS Credits, up to 10,000 USD, Agora Tools (Up to 1,000,000 free minutes) and more.

Requirement/Selection Criteria – Bank of Industry Idea Lab Program 2022

  • Passion
  • Commitment
  • Curiosity


Visual/In Person

To Apply Visit:


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