HESLGB 2023/2024 Student Loan Application Deadline Extended

The Higher Education Students’ Loans and Grants Board (HESLGB) wishes to announce the extension of the special student loan application deadline for newly selected students in public universities/colleges. HESLGB will extend the special loan application window for a period of one week from 11th August to 18th August 2023.

The extension follows the release of names by the Ministry of Education for students who have been selected to pursue various programs at some public institutions of higher learning.

HESLGB stresses that loans are provided only to students who apply for the loans and are eligible. It is, therefore, essential that all needy students apply for loans if they want to be considered. Eligible applicants are students who have proof that they are needy and have been selected to pursue accredited generic degree programs at an accredited institution.

To apply for student loans, students should vis- it www.heslgb.mw to download an application form.

All applicants must attach all relevant supporting documents to their application including:

  • Copy of the applicant’s National ID with correct and relevant names or an NRB form containing the system-generated sticker
  •  Copy of the University/College admission letter or an extract of the press release bearing the student’s name Parents/Guardian National ID
    Death certificate of parents if applicable
  • Deposit slip of MK 5,000.00 non-refundable processing fee (CASH) to be deposited into the following accounts:

Higher Education Loans and Grants Board 1001932884, National Bank of Malawi,
21942243, NBS Bank,

Duly completed forms with appropriate at-attachments should be sent to:

The Executive Director
Higher Education Students’ Loans and Grants Board
P.O Box B417 Capital City Lilongwe
Hand deliver to:
Area 10, Off Mphonongo Street, Capital City, Lilongwe

For inquiries contact us at: heslgbsecretariat@heslgb.com +265 999970030/885908596
Info: +265 999 970 030/885 908 598 | +265 885 890 520 |


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