USAID Project Management Specialist (Inclusive Education) at United State Agency International Development (USAID)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: USAID Project Management Specialist (Inclusive Education)

Solicitation No.: 72062024R10010
Location: Abuja
Period of Performance: Five (5) years renewable, estimated to start o/a June 2024.
Place of Performance: Abuja, Nigeria with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties.
Eligible Offerors: Open to Cooperating Country Nationals (Nigerian Citizens and Permanent Residents).
Security Level Required: CCNPSC Clearance.

Statement of Duties
General Statement Of Purpose Of The Contract:

  • The candidate will serve as a Project Management Specialist (PMS) (Inclusive Education) for select education within the USAID/Nigeria Education Office.
  • The candidate will provide expertise in broad issues related to inclusive education, conflict in education, and education system strengthening. Once the candidate completes required USAID training, s/he will be given COR/AOR responsibilities.
  • This may include management of a new inclusive education activity(ies) intended to provide education opportunities for the most marginalized children and youth in selected states in Nigeria and/or current activities in foundational learning and working with out-of-school children and youth.

Statement of Duties to be Performed
Program/Project Leadership And Management (40%):

  • The PMS (Inclusive Education) will perform the full range of program management functions including, inter alia, ensuring grantees/contractors meet the full objectives of their project descriptions or scopes of work, advising and participating in evaluations, ensuring program compliance with USAID policies, and that the content and objectives are consistent with the strategic priorities of the USAID Mission and the Nigerian Government.
  • As part of her/his Contracting Officer Representative/Agreement Officer Representative (COR/AOR) responsibilities, s/he conducts site visits as an official USAlD/Nigeria representative to monitor implementation and progress, to identify delays or difficulties requiring resolution, and proposes solutions for the resolution of such problems, which might include compliance with requirements for the approval of site selection or require solutions for specific social, political, or cultural concerns that impact program implementation.
  • S/he also ensures that all official approvals are obtained from Government of Nigeria (GON) partners as required, as well as provides financial oversight of assigned implementation activities, including analysis of annual funding requirements, preparation, and analysis of budgets, authorizing and monitoring disbursements, coordinates and provides technical leadership during in-briefs and out-briefs for Short Term Technical Assistance on activities, close-outs, and property/inventory disposition etc.
  • The incumbent may also serve as an Activity Manager for education and cross sector activities, as necessary.
  • The incumbent will ensure that the principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) are mainstreamed in project/activity design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation and that all implementing partners and stakeholders understand and respect the DEIA principles.

Program Policy And Analysis & Reporting (20%):

  • The PMS (Inclusive Education) provides direction and support in the planning, development, design, management, and evaluation of activities, and will be responsible for participating in management of the education component of the Mission’s portfolio.
  • S/he will be involved in the review of proposals submitted to the Mission; selection of awardees; assist in the start-up of the new activities with the awardee; and, provide liaison roles for USAID with Universal Basic Education Commission, National Commission for Colleges of Education, Federal Ministry of Education, State Ministries of Education and States Primary Education Boards, and works with other Donors like the World Bank, FCDO, UNICEF, UNESCO on on-going management, monitoring and of evaluation USAID projects.
  • Working with the Education Monitoring and Evaluation specialist, the incumbent ensures that the indicators for measuring the impact of education activities are accurately tracked and are used to revise strategy as necessary. Coordinates with the Education Team leader and other Program Managers to ensure thoroughness and consistency of data submitted on activities for the annual report, Implementation Reviews, etc.
  • Tracks policy developments, legislative changes, technical developments in the field, etc., that affect USAID’s activities and/or objectives regarding primary education, and advises the Education Team leader, other Program Managers, and other team members of these and of the appropriate USAlD position regarding them.
  • Briefs local and visiting senior USAID officials and US Embassy staff, as required, on the implementation of assigned activities in relation to host-country programs and priorities.

Activity Development And Design (20%):

  • The PMS (Inclusive Education) initiates and describes project ideas and initiatives in accordance with the education sector strategy, the current environment in Nigeria, the institutional capabilities and purposes of potential USAID recipients, resource availability and funding source.
  • In collaboration with the Education Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, identifies and uses research, as necessary, on social and economic factors pertaining to education in Nigeria for input to these documents. Contributes to the development of conceptual frameworks and formulates plans for required implementation documentation.
  • PMS (Inclusive Education) contributes technical expertise and creative ideas to other Teams in the Mission developing new interventions to support inclusive social and economic development of Nigeria. The incumbent explores ways and strategies for integration, identifying synergies and resource leveraging with other Mission Teams specifically regarding inclusive education for lasting impact and results.

General USAID Administration (10%):

  • Coordinates various actions related to assigned activities with a host of Nigerian senior government (GON) officials, donor community partners and civil society groups, S/he explains USAID procedures, responsibilities, objectives, and restrictions.
  • These may include various federal and state officials, Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Directors and Deputy Directors in the Federal and State level Ministry of Education, Universal Basic Education Commission & State Universal Basic Education Boards, State Agency for Mass Education and related education parastatals, colleagues in other donor organizations, NGO, and civil society groups, etc.
  • Coordinates the participation of these officials in special meetings and events, especially with high-level visitors or Embassy representatives. Acts as liaison with senior leaders in Nigerian NGOs and the civil society community to cultivate and maintain support for the USAID education sector program.
  • Represents the Education Team in conferences, workshops, donor coordination subgroup/committees’ meetings, FSN committee meetings, Donor Project Design and briefing meetings and other relevant meetings. Develops necessary documentation for presentations by the Education Team leader and other Program Managers, as well as other USAID/Nigeria senior staff as assigned.

General Education Team Administration Work (10%):

  • S/he is responsible for management of assigned technical and administrative aspects of USAID/Nigeria’s Education Program. Drafts reports, correspondence, cables, GLAAS/scopes of work, implementation Letters, Acquisition & Assistance plans, and accruals in collaboration with the Program Office and the Office of Financial Management, and any other necessary documents for the implementation of assigned activities.
  • Negotiates the clearance and approval of documents necessary for proper implementation of activities.
  • S/he is also responsible for contributing to the development of various program documents required for the USAID annual budget and Annual Performance Plan & Report. As necessary, coordinate meetings

Benefits / Conditions

  • Market Value: $45,283 to $70,183 equivalent to FSN-11; 40 Hours per week in accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of United States Mission, Nigeria (Effective September 10, 2023).
  • Final compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value. Salary and allowances are denominated in US dollar and paid in Naira at the prevailing U.S. Embassy exchange rate. Continued US dollar denomination and payment of LE Staff compensation is subject to renewal and approval by the Secretary for Management via PID (public interest determination).
  • Period Of Performance: Five (5) years renewable, estimated to start o/a June 2024.
  • Place Of Performance: Abuja, Nigeria with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties.
  • Eligible Offerors: Open to Cooperating Country Nationals (Nigerian Citizens and Permanent Residents).
  • Security Level Required: CCNPSC Clearance.


Method of Application
Interested and qualified offerers should send their Applications to “EXO / HR” via: using the job title as the subject of the mail.



  • Closing Date/Time For Receipt Of Offers: Open until filled. Applications will be reviewed every two weeks.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early. Once the position has been filled, the solicitation will be closed.
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